Below is a list of selected reference projects.
At present we are active with project implementation in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Mexico and Colombia.

Project type Country Topic Partners / contact awarders
PPP South Africa Promotion of decentralised renewable energies through a biodiesel pilot plant and capacity building in the Free State Province German company, GRAIN, BMZ and others
Syria Promotion of photovoltaic technologies through a pilot PV plant and capacity building in Aleppo German company, University of Aleppo, BMZ and others
Mexico Promotion of energy efficiency in electricity distribution (country wide) in Mexico German company, CONUE, BMZ and others
Information seminars /
business tours
Ethiopia Renewable Energies, Solid Waste and Wastewater Management Bavarian Ministry of Economy, InWEnt/GIZ, various companies and institutions in Bavaria
Columbia / Peru
South Africa Solid Waste and Wastewater Management

Biofuel/waste to energy in South Africa (2006-08)
Objective Promotion of decentralised renewable energy generation and capacity building through a biodiesel pilot and demonstration plant
Partners in South Africa and their function Free State Province Strategic partnership, integration into provincial energy strategies
City of Bothaville Political support, licensing
GRAIN S.A. (Farmers’ association) Main project partner (running of the plant), capacity building, multiplication/sensitization, local financing
Partners in Germany and their function German manufacturer specialised in biogas and biofuel technologies Co-financing, design, overseeing of construction, technical trainings
  • Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • InWEnt gGmbH
  • Political directives, co-financing
  • Consulting/ harmonisation with ongoing programmes of bilateral DC
E. Geiger Project preparation, proposal, coordination, management training, backstopping, reporting


PV-Technologies in Syria (2010/11)
Objective Promotion of renewable energies, in particular solar energy generation and capacity building, through a PV pilot and demonstration plant (grid-connected)
Partners in South Africa University of Aleppo Main project partner: plant management, capacity building, sensitisation, co-financing
Governorate of Aleppo Strategic partnership, permission and co-financing
Chamber of Syrian Engineers (OSEA) Training partner, multiplication / sensitisation
Partners in Germany German manufacturer specialised in PV systems Co-financing, design, oberseeing of construction, technical trainings
  • Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • DEG
  • Political directives, co-financing

  • Consulting/ harmonisation with on-going programmes of bilateral DC
Berlin University for Applied Sciences (dep. of renewable energies) Scientific accompaniment
ISEEP Project preparation, proposal, coordination, training design, management training, backstopping, reporting


Energy efficiency in Mexico (2010-12)
Objective Promotion of energy efficiency technologies / strategies and capacity building by means of a special metering software
Partners in Mexico CONUEE Main project partner: testing of software, capacity building
CFE Strategic partnership, permission and co-financing Training partner, multiplication / sensitisation
Partners in Germany German company specialised in energy efficiency Co-financing, design, technical trainings
  • Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Political directives, co-financing

  • Consulting / harmonisation with on-going programmes of bilateral DC
Brandenburg University for Applied Sciences (energy efficiency unit) Scientific accompaniment
ISEEP Project preparation, proposal, coordination, management training, backstopping, reporting
